Single Product Related Item

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Related Product

To display single product related items we’ve used shortcodes. You can control related item from shortcode options. All shortcodes I’m explaining below-

Note: If you would like to hide the author name from the related product simply add author=”off” otherwise author=”on” in shortcode. It is also acceptable for category, product_para, sale etc.

max_char=”35″ = Maximum character in title.

max_post=”5″ = Maximum 5 posts will show in the shortcode.

col=”col-md-4″ = Video related product Bootstrap grid.

Related Product Shortcode

General Product shortcode-

[related-product title="Related Items" author="on" category="on" footer="on" max_char="70" price="on" ratings="on" love="on" sale="on"]

Video Product shortcode-

[video-related-product title="Related Videos" author="on" category="on" product_para="off" max_post="6" max_char="35" price="on" ratings="on" love="on" sale="on"]

Graphicland Product shortcode-

[graphicland title="Related Items" max_post="6" author="on" category="on" sale="on" love="on" max_char="50"]

Graphicland Product shortcode style two

[graphicland-two title="Related Items" max_post="6" author="on" category="on" price="on" ratings="on" sale="on" love="on" max_char="50"]

Graphicland Product shortcode without slide

[graphicland-noslide title="Related Items" column="col-md-4" author="on" category="on" price="on" ratings="on" sale="on" love="on" max_char="50"]

Photography Product shortcode-

[image-related-product title="Related Items" author="on" category="on" price="on" ratings="on" sale="on" love="on" max_char="35" max_post="6"]

Audio Product shortcode-

[audio title="Related Items" column="col-md-3" author="on" category="on" price="on" ratings="on" sale="on" love="on" max_char="35" max_post="6"]

Related Blog shortcode-

[blog-related-product title="Related Items" max_post="3" max_char="35"]
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